Christmas donations 2021

We continue in supporting philanthropy as continuous Christmas charity of 2021. Even this year, we have decided to support local organizations for those in need instead of christmas gifts.
Wolfsberg, Austria
- Camphill – Liebenfels
These offers are intended to accompany and support people with disabilities on their way to self-determination and inclusion. - Österreichische Kinder-Krebs-Hilfe
The main task is to optimize the medical and social environment of children with cancer.

Members of Camphill – Liebenfels receive the cheque.
Pinkafeld, Austria
- Kinderhospiz als Familienherberge – Sterntalerhof
Located 10km from Pinkafeld, a cooperation has already started in October by preparing boxes for their online shop activities. - SOS Kinderdorf/Jugendhaus
Jugendhaus is the closest neighbour to the Pinkafeld plant. In September one of the kids starts as a trainee for the packaging technologist.

Managing director René Buchart and sales representative Silke Feiner supports Sterntalerhof with a cheque.
Zádveřice, Czech Republic
- Charita Zlín
Located in the near city of Zlín, the organization is one of the most searched institution of this kind in the city, providing mostly nursing. - Centrum poradenství pro rodinné a partnerské vztahy, p. o.
The social services facility providing professional social counseling and social prevention services.

The head of the institution sends Thank you note to Cardbox team.